How do I set up a break that is automatically deducted?
A break that is configured to be automatically deducted does not require the employee to clock Out and back In. The deduction happens if the employee has accumulated a certain amount of worked time in a day. PayClock Online will automatically deduct the break from the end of day if the employee meets the qualifier.
- Choose Setup from the navigation list.
- From the slide out menu select Breaks.
- Choose + New.
- Enter an identifier for the break in the Name field.
- Under Automatically Deduct Break, use the drop down menu to select Automatically Deduct Break.
- At Minimum Hours Worked to Qualify, enter how much time an employee must have accumulated in the day to qualify for the deduction.
- At Amount of Time to Deduct From End of Day, enter how much time will be deducted for the break.
- Select Save to keep the changes.
Wed 12/05/2018