How do I set up a break that is automatically deducted?


A break that is configured to be automatically deducted does not require the employee to clock Out and back In. The deduction happens if the employee has accumulated a certain amount of worked time in a day. PayClock Online will automatically deduct the break from the end of day if the employee meets the qualifier.

  1. Choose Setup from the navigation list.
  2. From the slide out menu select Breaks.
  3. Choose + New.
  4. Enter an identifier for the break in the Name field.
  5. Under Automatically Deduct Break, use the drop down menu to select Automatically Deduct Break.
  6. At Minimum Hours Worked to Qualify, enter how much time an employee must have accumulated in the day to qualify for the deduction.
  7. At Amount of Time to Deduct From End of Day, enter how much time will be deducted for the break.
  8. Select Save to keep the changes.


Wed 12/05/2018